
We have a comprehensive library featuring references on many types of needlework and we source new publications regularly. Books and magazines are also available for sale as we expand the library with new references. Books can be signed out on a monthly basis – a great way to learn and perfect techniques or get inspiration for new projects.

Our Library is organized according to needleart categories. Here is a quick reference to our library tags:

000-020 Beading

021-099  Counted Stitch: includes blackwork, cross stitch, samplers,stitch guides & patterns.

100-199 Drawn Threads/pulled: includes cut work, darning, hardanger, lace, schwamn stitch guides and patterns

200-299 Embroidery/freeworked: includes crewel, gold work shading, silk ribbon, homework, threadpainting stitch guides and patterns.

400 Machine Embroidery

500 Design and Color: includes design theory, surface design, color theory, dying, stamping, printing.

600 Projects: includes bags, boxes, cards, felting, home decorations, holidays, knitting, quilting.

700 Reference & Culture: includes artists, exhibitions, ethnic, history and rare books.

800 Loose Leaf Articles: includes museum pamphlets and patterns.

Our library is catalogued and available on-line.
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Click – your books, scroll down the pages. Or use the search section by using key words like cross-stitch, flowers, crewel, etc.